Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Call of the Cupcake

So far, the challenge is going pretty well... I actually felt like I exercised a bit of foresight today! But I'm getting ahead of myself.

This morning, I didn't wake up as early as I should have to get everything done in a timely manner that I needed to accomplish; as a result, I only did a 10-minute workout on the Wii Fit, then I had to have Bob help me assemble my lunch while I scarfed my breakfast cereal and did the prep work for our slow-cooker meal for dinner. After that, I think I set a new record for getting ready (admittedly, I didn't get to blow-dry my hair, but everything turned out ok!).

I did really well in planning out my meals for the day; I was really excited about the crock pot meal, too! We made "Apple Cider Chicken" from my Weight Watchers "Slow Cook It!" cookbook. It turned out really well, and Bob did an admirable job in doing the finishing work on the recipe. Unfortunately, our flute choir rehearsal at work ran a bit late, and so I was really late getting home, which in turn made us pretty late for our Wednesday night small group. Thankfully, our group rarely starts on time (we like to fellowship a bit first), so it was all okay.

Here comes my amazing bit of foresight: early in the day, I realized that I was going to have an excess of points after dinner, and I was seriously considering having a snack in the late afternoon. But then I thought, what if someone brings some kind of yummy dessert item to small group tonight? I don't wanna miss out on that! And, in an odd stroke of snacking luck, one of the girls in our group had made cupcakes! So, I was able to have one because of my willpower (and also the motivation provided by some of my coworkers). And that cupcake? Delicious.

Speaking of cupcakes, I got a new cake decorating tip from the store this weekend! It's a large round tip, and it's supposed to be what one would use to make big, spherical dots with icing. I can't wait to try it out!

My goal for tomorrow: get up early enough to do a 30-minute workout. It should be helpful that I will not be assembling a crock pot meal tomorrow morning... that should buy me some time. :P

And Awaaaaaay We Go...

It's finally happened.
After years of enjoying the blogs of others, and telling myself, "Oh, maybe I'll start a blog one day!", and then doing a stint of blogging on DeviantArt (a web journal that I still have, though I have infrequently updated it since about 2008. I think.), I've finally taken it upon myself to launch one of these sites.
Hooray for me! :D

On an off-note, I think my husband might be about to fall off the kitchen counter... he's attempting to replace a light bulb. Nevermind, he's doing fine! No falling today. Always a good thing.


Anyway, what finally lit the fire to start this was an idea to help me "stay on task" where my Weight Watchers is concerned. I figured, if I write a little bit everyday of how I'm doing, it'll help me stay accountable. I already have some really great accountability buddies, but this will help me be honest with myself.

I've already come a long way... I started my weight-loss journey in December of 2006, shortly after I became engaged, so that I could lose some weight before my wedding. I chose Weight Watchers because all I'd heard were good things about it; and I've never regretted the choice. I was able to lose about 20 lbs before my wedding! And then, as so many young married folks experience, I started to slowly put the weight back on. I was not "watching" as carefully as I should have, which made me not want to go to meetings to face how much progress I'd lost. Sporadically, I would get back on the program, and follow it really well, and then just yo-yo back and forth, becoming complacent with my little successes.

This time is different.

I am determined to reach my goal this time. It is going to happen this year!

Thus begins the April-August challenge: by August 1st, 2010, I will meet my goal. And everyday, I will post an entry detailing my progress.

And also some non-challenge related things, too. Because really, I am, in fact, that random.